Resolution: Marathon

marathon, Stephen king, new release

I've always been a bit of a contrarian, and I suppose this is why I've never before made a New Year's resolution.  My first New Year's resolution (the year is 2020 future [wo]man) is to run a marathon.

My wife Ashley and I have already begun the training (is that cheating?).  We are more than halfway there actually.  Both of us have always enjoyed running, long before we met each other (probably one reason we get along so well), but marathon training isn't a casual three to five mile trot in the park admiring flowers and butterflies.

Marathon training is early mornings.
Marathon training is early nights.
Marathon training is sacrifice.
Marathon training is suffering.
Marathon training is knee pain, foot pain, back pain, blisters, chafing, cramps, all the pains.
Marathon training is bloody nipples.
Marathon training is knee braces, compression socks, Body Glide, nipple bandages.
Marathon training is recovery.
Marathon training is diet.
Marathon training is learning.
Marathon training is physical strength.
Marathon training is mental strength.
Marathon training is fun.
Marathon training is accomplishment.
Marathon training is worth it.

Just in case anyone wanted to know what marathon training was like.

running, jogging, ultra marathon, new release


Also, buy my books on Amazon HERE

Love Letters, a short story collection, will be available in the first quarter of 2020.  It will contain ~20 stories, most of which have never been published before.  I'm currently finishing the twentieth story, and then will polish them all before sending them to the editor.  I'm very excited about the release, because it will be my largest project thus far.  I hope that you read and enjoy it.  Stay Tuned! 




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